Terms of Use

The clauses listed below regulate the terms of use of HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU’s websites, www.condeshotels.com, www.condesdebarcelona.com, www.hotelcondesdebarcelona.com, www.condesdebarcelona.cat, www.hotelespanya.com, www.restaurantlasarte.com, www.loidi.com, www.cateringmartinberasategui.com and www.monument-hotel.com  (hereinafter the Website).

The term “user” means any person who accesses the website, either directly or from any other internet site.

The general terms and conditions regulating the use of the website are as follows.


The services offered by HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU on this website are regulated by the terms contained in these conditions (notwithstanding any other legal notices or conditions contained in the website).

HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU reserves the right to modify, in whole or in part, the general terms of use, which become applicable as soon as they are included on the website.


HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU, with fiscal identification number B66516931 and registered address at Av Diagonal 463 bis, 1ª planta, 08036 Barcelona, registered in the Companies Register of Barcelona, Volume 44.878, Page 223, Sheet B-470.135, entry 1, offers its services through the internet websites, www.condeshotels.com, www.condesdebarcelona.com, www.hotelcondesdebarcelona.com, www.condesdebarcelona.cat, www.hotelespanya.com, www.restaurantlasarte.com, www.loidi.com, www.cateringmartinberasategui.com and www.monument-hotel.com .

In the event of any query, suggestion or complaint, the user can visit the company offices at the above address or send an email to informatica@condesdebarcelona.com.


The user agrees to use the information contained in this Website exclusively for its intended purposes, specifically for the purpose of obtaining information about the services offered and making suggestions, but not to directly or indirectly undertake any form of unauthorised commercial activity.

The Website user is entitled to free access to all public information contained within, unless HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU reserves the right to restrict public access to certain sections and website services.


The rights relating to intellectual and industrial property (including without limitation trademarks, logos, texts, photographs, icons, images, etc., as well as graphic design, source code and other software elements contained in this Website) are the property of HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU or other organisations providing information on the Website. They are therefore subject to intellectual and industrial property rights that are protected by Spanish and international law.

Without prior written permission from HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU or other rights holders, it is not permitted to use, reproduce, transmit or manipulate them, or use them in any way that goes beyond the normal use of the Website or the services offered.

Access to the services offered does not constitute the total or partial renunciation, transfer or surrender of intellectual and industrial property rights held by HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU or any other rights holder, nor does it assign the right of use, alteration, exploitation, reproduction, distribution or public communication of the content without the prior express written permission of the respective rights holders, notwithstanding the right to view and obtain a private security copy of such content, provided that the right is exercised in accordance with the principles of good faith, the rights holders’ intellectual and industrial property remains unchanged and it is used for non-commercial purposes and solely for the user’s personal information.

Liability arising from the use of materials that are protected by the intellectual and industrial property rights contained on this website rests solely with the user.


This website has been designed by HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU to provide information about its services.

The website contains contact information and forms through which users can contact the company for various purposes in accordance with the regulation of the Website’s clauses.

HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU reserves the right to carry out changes and updates to the website that it deems appropriate.


HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU shall not be held liable for any disruption in electrical or telecommunications services that may prevent users from using the services offered.

HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU shall not be held liable for any damage of any kind that may occur as a result of untruthful, invalid, incomplete or false information provided by users.

Furthermore, HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU shall not be held liable for any web pages that can be accessed through links, banners or other devices, or the contents of said websites.

HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU does not guarantee the absence of errors in website access and content nor that the website is up to date, but shall make every effort to avoid possible errors and, in the event that that they do occur, correct or update them. HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU reserves the right to modify or update the information contained in the website, its settings or presentation at any time and without prior notice.

Access to and use of information contained in the Website is the sole responsibility of the user. HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU shall not be held liable for any damage arising from such access to or use of this information.



Information received by HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU  through this website will be treated with the utmost discretion and confidentiality in accordance with current legislation.

In accordance with the provisions of Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December concerning Protection of Personal Data (LOPD), HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU informs the user that any personal information that may be provided through the website is incorporated into a filing system owned by HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU for the purpose of administering the Website.

HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU may use the contact information to keep users informed about the activities, products and services of HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU, or other related companies that may be of interest to the user.

Rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition

To exercise their rights of access, rectification, cancellation and opposition in accordance with the Law, users can contact the company in writing at the following address: Systems Department, HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU, ref. Data Protection, Passeig de Gràcia 75, 08008 Barcelona.

Security in the handling, processing and storage of computer data

HOTEL MONUMENT BARCELONA 2015 SLU states and guarantees that its protection of personal data fully complies with Royal Decree 994/1999 of 11 June concerning security measures for automated filing systems containing personal data and that it has put all technical means at its disposal to prevent the loss, misuse, alteration, unauthorised access and theft of data provided by users, notwithstanding that Internet security measures are not foolproof.


These General Terms of Use are regulated by Spanish law.


Reservas: En caso de no presentarse en el restaurante el día de su reserva sin cancelación previa de 24h se cargará la cantidad de 100€ p/persona.

Regale Lasarte: No admite devoluciones y el periodo de validez es de 1 año.